A simple Down-To-Earth approach to Spiritual Energy and Metaphysical Matters®
Internationally Recognized
Author of "Most of My Angels Don't Have Wings" and Co-author of "Love Energy"

News Articles

Published Oct. 2002 in The Light a Pensacola Metaphysical paper

Four DNA's? Yes, Four!

The scientific community is now in the process of decoding our physical DNA Patterns. But, are there THREE more DNA energy systems for science to discover? Can our thoughts and emotions, or group-consciousness influence who and what we are or who and what we become? Can we, as individuals, actually activate or deactivate our personal DNA energy patterns? Let's explore this exciting and intriguing concept.

Our DNA Patterns actively influence our lives…whether or not we know about or believe in their existence. Most of us identify primarily with our physical bodies, but we are much, much more. The Totality of our Humanness on this earth plane actually encompasses four distinct DNA energy bodies. Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies combine to form the Me I AM. Each of these energy bodies radiates a vibrational field based on its own unique DNA Pattern.

DNA Patterns are more than just inherited genes passed to us through our blood relatives. Who we are now and what our potential is includes not only the journeys of our spirit-soul before this human life but also our existence in the four time-space dimensions: our current life, past lives, simultaneous lives, and the lives of all the generations before us and their offspring.

Our four DNA energy patterns are connected to the four time-space dimensions. Within each of these four time-space dimensions we have four DNA Patterns that come together different combinations. When our DNA Patterns combine with the time-space dimensions, the multiplicity and diversity that result are infinite and beyond human comprehension. This is why no two of us are exactly a like.

Prior to conception we create a covenant with the Divine Source regarding what we choose to learn in this life's experience. Our individual DNA Patterns are designed to support our covenant with the Divine Source and are, therefore, fixed and immutable. The Patterns set by our individual covenant awaken at the time of our physical conception and immediately begin influencing our lives. But, our four sets of DNA also contain data that do not awaken at our conception and are, therefore, open to the possibility of change.

Our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and experiences can activate dormant (or un-awakened) DNA or suppress active DNA, thus changing our DNA energy patterns. Usually, activating un-awakened DNA Patterns will cause them to synchronize with existing/active DNA Patterns resulting in a rhythmic harmony among the four DNA's.

The changes we create in our selves by activating or suppressing our DNA may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. They are the result of the dynamic energies we generate through our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Although we create these powerful, internal energies by our own free choice, we can also be influenced externally by our experiences, by the people and ideologies that guide our growth; and by mass-consciousness and universal memory.

Mass-consciousness can influence the thoughts and beliefs we adopt or create in our lives. Additionally, the historical experiences of plagues, diseases, natural disasters and wars are a part of our DNA memories. These old DNA energy-memories hold the potential to create illnesses and plagues today. When DNA energy-memories of old diseases are activated, mass consciousness energy can take on a power of its own…a power that can cause widespread disease as more and more people activate the DNA energies that link them to these historical memories. These old-energy diseases include the bubonic plague, smallpox, polio, AIDS and may even become the basis for some diseases that have not yet been discovered, named or manifested.

As individuals, we do not have to accept or become a part of a particular mass-consciousness. We can freely choose to withdraw our personal energy from a particular mass-consciousness and focus our attention and energy in another direction. When we consciously choose where to focus our attention and energy, we expand our awareness and become more in harmony with the energy rhythms of Mother Earth…energies that are now increasing in frequency. As these higher-frequency energy rhythms continue to accelerate, we will have greater control over the length of time it takes us to activate and change the DNA Patterns that are not determined by our individual covenant with the Divine Source.

The more we are able to flow with the harmonious rhythms and vibrations of the universe, the less negative stress will be placed on our four sets of DNA and on our four energy bodies. Anything that enables us to go deep within ourselves will connect us with our Wisdom and Knowingness and link us back to the rhythmic harmony of the universes of God.

Prayer, meditation and altered states are some of the positive and practical methods for exploring our inner-self and connecting with Universal Harmony. Through meditation exercises we can clear the old belief patterns and energies that negatively influence our four DNA Patterns and can reinforce and support the positive DNA energies that enhance our daily lives. The choice is up to you.

Rev. Dr. Jack Bernard Moon